We are delighted to announce the launch of a fundraising appeal to refurbish our Weavery.
There are two main needs, equally pressing. The first is to upgrade the existing toilet facilities which are small, cold and outdated. To achieve this, we will need to extend the building slightly. In addition, the felt roof on the western wing of the building is leaking and is no longer fit for purpose. We will replace it with proper clay tiles, add insulation and create storage in the loft space.
The total estimated cost is between £35,000-£40,000. We have been fortunate to have already received £5000 towards the project from the Chalk Cliff Trust. We also ring-fenced a further £5000 from existing donation money. So, as we launch, we already have a healthy £10,000 in the pot!
We see this appeal also as an opportunity to celebrate the wonderful work of our weavers. Over the coming months we are planning some fundraising activities, and we will be in touch with more details in due course.
In the meantime, you are welcome to get involved:
- By donating towards the project either by clicking on the following link: https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/nutleyhallweaveryappeal Or by bank transfer to: Nutley Hall Fundraising, Barclays, S/C 20-49-76, A/C 23276171
- By “spreading the word” amongst families, friends and colleagues
- We also welcome any fundraising initiatives and ideas